Push Notifications Deliver Great Results With 7X Higher Clicks Than Email

Push notifications deliver great results!

Push notifications deliver
Push notificatiions outperform email by 7X


Want to go from ‘survive’ to ‘thrive’ and make more money for your business in the midst of current economic challenges and a pandemic?

Start building your ‘push notifications’ subscriber list now!

Because with an audience of web push subscribers, you can reach them instantly on their device screens at any time.

Push notifications are smart, reliable, ‘frictionless’ and FUN.

Push notifications cut through the noise and deliver a clickthrough rate 7X greater than email!

Getting subscribers from your website is FREE & FREE for you to engage with them in real time!

FACT: 73% of companies that started using push notification saw a significant uptick in engagement & revenue.

Adding push notifications into your current marketing stack is good for your business & your bottom line!

Are you currently using push notifications on your website to build an audience?

Want to go from ‘survice’ to ‘thrive’ in these challenging economic times?

Start by giving your visitors/customers things they actually enjoy getting.

How often have you appreciated a timely allert from a site that you like and follow?

Now, why not extend that same courtesy to your visitors/customers too?

They say ‘sharing is caring’… Push Notifications really prove that statement to be true!

Looking for more tips on how to get higher onsite conversions; more leads & sales faster?

Stay in the loop by subscribing for Notifications from us here!

You should see the push notification offer to subscribe at the top of this page.

Looking forward to having you join us!


Mark Huber

I’m determined to help businesses grow. My only question is – will it be yours?

My name is Mark Huber, ‘head honcho’ at https://SuccessOnTheFly.com Marketing in beautiful Vancouver, Canada where we help busy business owners turn their current website into a high performing, high converting tool that generates more business, online bookings, appointments, qualified leads & sales faster by leveraging the power of current modern day website conversion strategies, chat automations, interactive media & conversational marketing.