How To Use Live Chat To Solve Your Visitors Buying Dilemma (and get more sales)

Want to instantly solve the ‘buy or not to buy’ dilemma your visitor faces on your website?

Offer a ‘live chat’ option!

We’ve just shot a quick ‘learn out loud’ video: “A behind the scenes look at a live chat engagement starting a real time online demo”

Live chat can do many fantastic things for your visitors and your business especially when powered by simple automations (chatbots).

In fact, forget form optimization. What you really should sweat is lead response time!

Because if you wait just five minutes to respond to an inbound inquiry, you are 10 times more likely to lose that lead forever.

This is where online ‘live chat’ with automations can help ‘save the day’!

Chat automations take tedious and repititious tasks and turn them into a conversational experiences which are useful, fun and convenient.
(How many times have you answered the same questions from your visitors over and over again? Well for example, an FAQ automation can smoothly take this repetitive and time consuming task task off your shoulders & your visitors will appreciate the helpful, ‘self serve’ courtesy too!)

These automations can be triggered specifically in response to your visitors journey & interaction with your website or online store.

Live chat can instantly start over 12 online automated engagements with your visitors even while you are offline or away

1. Welcome new visitors to your website/store

2. Welcome returning visitors

3. Offer a discount to new/returning visitors

4. Answer frequently asked questions

5. Send a message to visitors who quit filling your online form

6. Send a message to visitors who abandon their shopping cart

7. Send a message when a visitor is on a specific page

8. Send a message to visitors who view your contact page

9. Collect contact details from your visitors to get back to them later

10. Send a message to visitors to schedule a phone call/demo

11. Send a message when you are busy

12. Send a message to stop visitors from leaving your website/store

and MORE!

For example: Have you experienced a chat lead generation landing page yet?

Click Here to take one of ours for a ride! (You get to pick your own adventure (gift) too!)

So, whether you’re ‘offline’ or ‘online’ your visitors will appreciate your helpful chat powered automations.

Because your visitors are online searching for answers and now, when they find you they’ll never have to leave without an answer!

And visitors engaged in chats are 82% more likely to buy!

Win – Win!

The added benefits are that a website that has a chat platform that’s boosted with chatbots decreases bounce rates (you get more ‘Google Love”!); increases customer engagement; leads & your sales!

A website that offers a chat platform let’s your ‘ideal people’ know that you’re ‘there’; ‘aware’ and ‘care’!

Chat automations save your and your customers’ time, so you can continue doing the extraordinary things that only you can do!

Looking for a ‘new’ unfair advantage over the competition?

Running a WP site? Ecom store?

Test chat out for yourself! The results will astound you!

Get our newest guide:

“22 Website Automations That Generate Leads & Customers Fast” [‘Quick Start’ Guide]

Now, go get ’em tiger!

Have questions? Want ‘game changer’ results for your business?

Schedule your FREE (pitch free) 30 min. strategy call with Mark here

Tap here to Schedule time with Mark

We provide ‘done with you’ & ‘done for you’ consulting; services & solutions.

Mark Huber is ‘head honcho’ at Marketing where we help businesses drive leads & generate 120%-305% more sales with live chat powered automations (chatbots)