How To Reduce Forms And Shopping Cart Abandonments Using Chatbots

Welcome to this ‘real time’ demo ‘test’ page!

Looking for a quick win for your business today!

What you’re about to witness is amazing but it’s an ‘interactive’ experiment.

That means you need to participate to see it in action!

OK, so below is a ‘test’ form! (But don’t complete it – that’s what this experiment is all about.)

Step 1: Start filling in your name

Step 2: Then ‘tap’ on the ‘menu’ (tripple white lines) above & then a ‘menu’ item

Now, did you see what just happened?

You should have just received our onscreen ‘chat prompt’ (from us) to complete the form!

It would look like this…









This is a great way to nudge people back to completing your online forms.

Now, just think what you could do!

Because when this is implimented on your site it will also increase your current forms completions too! Guaranteed!

Did you know that over 80% of people will not complete your long lead generation or ‘contact us’ form?












People are in a hurry. They’re distracted. There’s to much ‘time & effort’ that often goes into a fully completed form. Right!?

But, what whould happen if you were able to ‘nudge’ them in ‘real time’ into fully completing?

Or providing a ‘real time’ option of connecting with you or a staff member if they were having difficulties & getting them over the finish line?

Would that help you out?

So here’s the deal!

You work hard to make a sale. Right?!

But what happens when your customers decide to drop their shopping carts?

How much is ‘cart abandonment’ costing you?

Did you know that the average online business experiences 70% ‘cart abandonment!

That’s 7 out of every 10 shoppers walking away without going through your checkout!

What if you could just stop 20% of your cart abandonments how much would that be worth to you and to your bottom line?

Probably allot!

Did you know that a simple ‘digital assistant’ (chatbot) can detect when either of these events happen & engage your visitor in ‘real time’ to ask what happened and encourage them to complete?

Well, you do now because you just witnessed it happening on this page! Right?!

It works equally well for form completions AND reducing ‘cart abandonment’!

Why not offer a small incentive to convince your potential customers to head to the checkout and place their orders.

How it works is pretty simple (& you already know this and have seen it an example of it in action here) but just to ‘re state’:

When a customer tries to move from the checkout to the home page (or any other page), a chatbot intervenes by prompting a message with a discount offer.

If the customer agrees to claim the discount, the chatbot asks for an email address to send a discount voucher to.

As a result, the customer gets a discount and completes the checkout process, while you increase your sales.

So do you have a ‘digital assistant’ (chatbot) that stops customers from abandoning their carts & your forms?

How To Use A Chatbot To Increase Form Completions AND Reduce ‘Cart Abandonment’

Here’s what this exact ‘re-engagement’ chat flow looks like ‘behind the scenes’…

















So, if you can see the benefits of getting something like this in place, ask us how today!

The results will absolutely astound you!

In a hurry? Want to start getting more of your onsite forms completed? Reduce ‘cart abandonment? Start generating more qualified leads & sales faster for your business? We’re here to help!

Schedule your FREE (pitch free) 30 min. strategy call with Mark here

Tap here to Schedule time with Mark

We provide consulting & services: DIY, ‘done with you’ & ‘done for you’

Mark Huber is ‘head honcho’ at SuccessOnTheFly Marketing, a Richmond BC, Canada based digital marketing agency focused on providing ‘game changer’ results for busy business owners by using chat messaging & conversational marketing guaranteed to give savvy business owners a ‘new’ unfair advantage over their competition!

We help you generate new qualified leads & sales fast through the power of chat messaging & conversational marketing.