How To Generate Leads And Sales Fast Using A Chat Powered Landing Page

How to Score High Engagements & Optins Using a Chat Powered Lead Generation Landing Page

How is your lead generation going these days?

If you are like most in the online world you’re probably experiencing significant drop offs from your existing static, long lead generation forms.

And no wonder!

People are ‘time starved’ and are increasingly protective of their personal information.

Something you may want to consider testing is a dynamic and interactive conversational way to better engage with your visitors.

In effect, you’re helping them – help you!



This is what the chat automation looks like in the ‘back office’ that offers up 2 of our ‘lead magnets’.
















It’s the modern day way of conversationally engaging with your visitors.

It delivers an exceptional experience for visitors and provides a fun & frictionless way for them to get your awesome ‘lead magnet’!

The best part? It’s all delivered automatically.

And you can share the link(s) that start this ‘magic carpet ride’ across all your social platforms & include them in emails too.

Want more ‘eyeballs’ to your ‘demo’? Done? (we’ve done it here)

Want to offer promo codes to first time visitors? Done!

Discounts to ‘returning visitors’? Done!

Build your email list? Done!

Whether you’re ‘offline’ or ‘online’ your visitors will appreciate your helpful chat powered automations.

Your visitors are online searching for answers.

Now, when they find you they’ll never have to leave without an answer

And visitors engaged in chats are 82% more likely to buy!

Win – Win!

Have you experienced a chat landing page yet?

Want a glimpse into the future of what could become your new ‘unfair advantage’ over the competition?

The future of marketing is here!

It’s new, it’s exciting and it’s waiting for you!

Click Here (or image below) to experience one of ours & pick up your gift along the way.








Now, just think what you could do!

However, lead generation is just one aspect of what chat can do for you.

Curious to know how else chat can help turn your website visitors into buyers?

Simple answer?

Start a conversationnal relationship with them. (Warm, friendly & automated.)

On top of which is ‘live chat’ that they can access at any time.

Here are our 8 top ways we like to use chat powered automations (chatbots)…

1. Welcome new visitors to your website/store

2. Welcome/offer discount to returning visitors

3. When you’re busy, collect your visitors deets & get back to them later

4. Send a message to visitors who view your contact page

5. Send a message when a visitor is on a specific page like products/pricing

6. Inform your visitors about discounts on particular products/services

7. Send a message to visitors who quit filling an online form or abandons their shopping cart

8. Send a message to stop visitors from leaving your website/store

Now, we could go on but you get the idea. Right?!

A website that offers a chat platform let’s your ‘ideal people’ know that you’re ‘there’; ‘aware’ & ‘care’!

Are you currently using chat in your business today?

If so, how’s it going? If not, why not?

Want ‘game changer’ results for your business?

We’re here to help!

Schedule your FREE (pitch free) 30 min. strategy call with Mark here

Tap here to Schedule time with Mark

We provide ‘done with you’ & ‘done for you’ consulting; services & solutions.