How To Double Your Leads & Sales Faster With Chatbots

Looking for a quick win for your business today?  Up to 98% of your website visitors leave without buying.

With chat, you can keep them on your website, answer their questions, and drive more sales.

Start offering a simple solution that helps your visitors help themselves – and helps you.

Stop leaving leads on the table

Increase your conversions to sales faster

Shorten your ‘sales cycle’

Give your visitors the option to engage with you via chat!

Here are some of the top ways you can do it using chat powered by chatbots…

1. Welcome new visitors to your website/store

2. Welcome returning visitors

3. Send a message when you are busy

4. Collect contact details from your visitors to get back to them later

5. Send a message to visitors who view your contact page

6. Send a message when a visitor is on a specific page

7. Inform your visitors about discounts on particular products/services

8. Send a message to visitors who quit filling an online form

9. Answer frequently asked questions

10. Offer a discount to new/returning visitors

11. Send a message to stop visitors from leaving your website/store

and MORE!

A website that offers a chat platform let’s your ‘ideal people’ know that you’re ‘there’; ‘aware’ and ‘care’!

The added benefits are that a website that has a chat platform that’s boosted with chatbots decreases bounce rates; increases customer engagement & your sales !

Did you know that just inserting a chat powered chatbot on your website can increase conversion rates and generate 120% – 305% more sales?

Looking for a ‘new’ unfair advantage over the competition?

Test it out for yourself

“Start Doubling Your Leads & Sales Fast By Boosting ‘Live Chat’ With Chatbots!” [‘Quick Start’ Guide]

Now, go get ’em tiger!

Mark Huber is ‘head honcho’ at Marketing where we help businesses generate 120%-305% more sales with ‘live chat’ powered chatbots.