Automated Live Chat Can Increase Customer Engagement And Your Sales Fast

Is it true that automated live chat can increase customer engagement and your sales fast?

Can you build engagement on your site that starts before a visitor can get away?

FACT: The future of your business is currently being shaped in real time!

See how automated live chat can increase customer engagement and your sales fast

Step 1: Get our new FREE guide

“7 Chat Triggers You Should Be Using On Your Website Today To Convert More Leads & Generate More Sales Fast!”

Step 2: Add a chat plugin to your website to connect with your visitors.

Step 3: Answer questions and talk to your visitors/customers in real time (or setup automations that kick in immediately).

Step 4: Close more sales and track how chat helps your business.

Traditionally, live chat was used as a customer service tool.

Now, savvy businesses are using proactive chat strategies to generate more leads & sales for their business.

Live chat can instantly start over 12 online automated engagements with your visitors even while you are offline/away

1. Welcome new visitors to your website/store

2. Welcome returning visitors

3. Offer a discount to new/returning visitors

4. Answer frequently asked questions

5. Send a message to visitors who quit filling your online form

6. Send a message to visitors who abandon their shopping cart

7. Send a message when a visitor is on a specific page

8. Send a message to visitors who view your contact page

9. Collect contact details from your visitors to get back to them later

10. Send a message to visitors to schedule a phone call/demo

11. Send a message when you are busy

12. Send a message to stop visitors from leaving your website/store

and MORE!

A website that offers a chat platform let’s your ‘ideal people’ know that you’re ‘there’; ‘aware’ and ‘care’!

The added benefits are that a website that has a chat platform that’s boosted with chatbots decreases bounce rates; increases customer engagement & your sales !

Looking for a ‘new’ unfair advantage over the competition?

Test chat out for yourself!

The results will absolutely astound you!

Now, go get ’em tiger!

Mark Huber is ‘head honcho’ at Marketing where we help businesses increase conversion rates & generate 120%-305% more sales with live chat powered by automations