Just hooked up a qualifying lead gen chat flow to enhance onsite chat for local piano teacher in very competative market.
It’s still ‘early days’ but looks very promising.
‘Live chat’ + Chatbot = More Conversations (at scale) = More Leads & sales!
Quick Facts:
Only 6% of millennials will call a company for customer service
53% of customers would prefer to use web chat before contacting a company
70% of consumers choose “message us” buttons over “call us” buttons
79% of customers are more loyal to brands that are easy to contact
51% use chat because they can multi-task
46% found chat to be the most efficient communication method
Customers overwhelmingly say they trust businesses more when they can message them
79% of businesses said that implementing chat resulted in increased customer loyalty, sales and revenue!
30% of companies who’ve been using chat for less than 1 year claim to have seen a 5-10% increase or more in their revenue
Is there a reason you aren’t using chat on your website right now?
Test it out for yourself & give your self a ‘new’ unfair advantage over the competition!
Start by getting our new guide
“22 Website Automations That Generate Leads & Customers Fast” [‘Quick Start’ Guide]
Now, go get ’em tiger!
Mark Huber is ‘head honcho’ at http://SuccessOnTheFly.com Marketing where we help businesses increase conversion rates & generate 120%-305% more sales with live chat powered by chatbots.