12 Top Ways To Use Push Notifications Build Your Audience And Drive More Sales Fast

Interested in discovering how to use push notifications to build your audience and drive more sales fast?

push notifications build your audience and drive more sales

Here are our 12 top ways to use push notifications to build your audience and drive more sales fast.

But backing up for just a moment…

Are you already familier with push notifications?

Simply put, they are clickable pop-up messages that appear on your digital device or desktop computer.

So, what’s the big deal you may ask?

Well, it’s a really big deal because when a business uses push notification messages you can provide your audience and customers with thoughtful reminders, personalized offers, and breaking news – all instantly and in real time!

That’s huge!

Push Notifications Intro Video – PushEngage

Pretty cool, Right?!

Now, here are our 12 top ways to use push notifications to build your audience and drive more sales fast.

1: Frictionless audience/subscriber building
Subscribing to push notifications is easy because no personal information is required as it is for other traditional methods like email. PLUS, push notifications cut through the noise and deliver a click through rate 7X greater than email!

2: Stimulate website user engagement
Push notifications help you attract and engage visitors/customers right on your website. They can help you send real-time updates and reminders that get your audience to regularly engage back with your brand.

3: Re-engage/retain subscribers
When your push notifications offer direct personal value, you’ll be much more likely to retain subscribers for the long term.

4: Increase conversion rates
Timely push notification marketing messages are the best way to increase conversion rates because they can instantly notify your customers or create a sense of urgency.

5: Target the right users
Push notificationmessages based on a user’s interests, time zone or location can help you engage your audiience/customers with a high degree of personalization and relevance.

6: Enhance brand consistency
Alerting customers of last-minute deals, coupons, and special offers is a powerful way to get an additional touchpoint in your marketing funnel. Push notifications form a complementary marketing channel where you can give extra, value-added information about your brand.

7: Improve your customer care strategy with useful content
Push notifications can actually enhance your customer experience. They’re less intrusive than other forms of user engagement and can effectively drive traffic and help your audience by providing useful information. They allow your audience to keep up to date with your latest updates, promotions, and offers.

8: Reduce efforts in the customer journey
Push notifications can be created to immediately direct your audience to new and relevant content on your website/blog.

9: Instant purchasing with a single tap
You can create push notifications to trigger immediate purchases. When you send informative messages to your audience to let them know about special discounts or limited-time offers you can include a buy link that for instant purchasing with a single tap.

10: Reduce ‘cart abandonment’
Cart abandonment is a real problem. Push notifications are a great way to alert users if they leave a web store with an item still in their cart. Push notifications can recover up to 20% or more of ‘cart abandonments’. Just imagine how much more that could add to your bottom line?

11: Track actionable metrics
With push notifications you can get valuable insights into user behavior including interaction times and click-through rates to see which messages are more likely to be opened. Based on user behavior data, you can launch campaigns that connect better with your audience.

12: Drip Push Notification
Your customer may need more info about your product or online store. You can create a series of automated push notifications to nurture your user before converting them into loyal customers.

Looking to grow your business?

Want to go from ‘survice’ to ‘thrive’ in the midst of challenging economic times?

Start using push notifications today!

We personally use and so highly recommend PushEngage To open up your FREE account with PushEngage Click Here

Want to start going with Push Notifications faster? We’d be happy to get you all set up all up.

Click Here to schedule a time to chat on our calendar

I’m determined to help businesses grow. My only question is – will it be yours?

My name is Mark Huber, ‘head honcho’ here at https://SuccessOnTheFly.com Marketing in beautiful Vancouver, Canada where we help busy business owners turn their current website into a high performing, high converting tool that generates more business, online bookings, appointments, qualified leads & sales faster by leveraging the power of current modern day website conversion strategies, push notifications, chat automations & conversational marketing.