
Your website is pretty, but so is your competitor’s.

You’ve got great content, but so does the competition.

You’re in a field with a lot of great companies offering the same services you do!

How do you stand out?

Double your onsite leads & sales faster with a calculator

As you just saw, a calculator makes allot of sense!

In fact, well known & internationally acclaimed ‘Hubspot’ also does it with a calculator!

If it makes sense for Hubspot, why not ‘steal’ their idea for your site too!!

Looking to turn your website into a high performing, high converting tool to generate more leads & win more business?

Watch: ‘How to build a high converting lead gen ROI calculator for your site just like Hubspot’

Note: Feel free to skip from 13:25 to 18:58 as the video was not on ‘pause’.

Are you a ‘DIYer’? Excited to make a calculator for yourself?

FYI: Outgrow is a leading quiz platform provider that we’ve used for years and completely love & recommend! We have

trusted Outgrow & been advocates of their services for many years & are always proud to introduce Outgrow to our viewers through

our ‘affiliate link’. It costs you no more to purchase through it. If you do purchase we may receive a small compensation for the

‘referral’. You probably already knew that anyway but we just wanted to be totally transparent & crystal clear on that!

Click Here to open up your Outgrow account.

You can confidently sign up for your Outgrow FREE 7 day trial – no credit card required. That will give you plenty of time to tweak & assess how your calculator/quiz is performing. At the end you can continue or close your account – no harm no foul!


Now… back to our ‘regular programming…

Depending on the industry or business, ‘landing pages’ usually get conversions in the 2-12% range (with an average of about 2.35%).

Calculators on the other hand enjoy higher conversion rates. Proven results have shown rates of up to 40%.

This completely transforms marketing ROI!

Looking for an edge? An ‘unfair advantage’ over the competition?

Adding an interactive calculator to your site could be a game changer for improving website engagement and lead generation!

Ever wondered how much more you could be making by using a calculator or other interactive content on your site?

We built a calculator just to answer that question for you here.









(Tap image or Click Here to see your results!)

Want ‘game changer’ results for your business?

I’m determined to help businesses grow. My only question is – will it be yours?

Want to start generating more qualified leads & sales faster for your business? We’re here to help!

Click Here to schedule your (pitch free) 30 min. strategy call with Mark

We provide ‘done with you’ & ‘done for you’ consulting; services & solutions.

Mark Huber is ‘head honcho’ at Marketing in beautiful Vancouver, Canada where we help busy business owners turn their current website into a high performing, high converting tool that generates more business, online bookings, appointments, qualified leads & sales faster by leveraging the power of current modern day website conversion strategies, calculators, push noticfications, chat automations & conversational marketing.